“Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in may instances doth confound the wise.” (Alma 37:6)
Things are feeling pretty rough out there right now. Hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes are ravaging the world. There are so many social problems and racial tensions. People are being so awful to each other. Violence abounds. War and acts of terrorism are so commonplace that they hardly make the news any more. It can be disheartening, depressing and debilitating. There are so many causes that need attention. It feels overwhelming and I feel powerless to make any kind of difference at all. Just getting myself and my little family through the day sometimes feels like more than I can manage.
I am a drop in a bucket. Just one drop. But together, we can fill that bucket up. Alma teaches us that we are not insignificant. That our small gestures of kindness and giving and teaching and loving matter. We can teach our children, love our neighbors, and take care of each other. We can serve where we are, when we can, with our unique talents and abilities. And our small, seemingly insignificant and simple acts will add upon each other. It is not foolishness to think that we can make a difference through our small efforts. Yes, the problems are too big for one person alone, but “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”
Meditation and Journaling Prompt: What small acts can you do this week to put some positivity into the world? Think small, simple, manageable. There is no offering too small.
This is so perfect for me today! Yesterday i told Eric i had no value in life. That I’m totally just eating space.
You have value because you are HIS. Do not doubt that. There is no other qualification that needs to be met. You can do this. He will help you. And you are of great value to me.