How to get the most from this program
This system is designed to become part of a daily routine. You can take as much or as little time as you need each day to study, but doing it every day is critical.
– Set aside a time every day to sit. The time of day is not important as long as it is a time when you can find some peace and quiet. I do mine early in the morning because everyone else in my house is still asleep and I can use it to start my day on the right foot. I am NOT and never have been a morning person. I hate waking up no matter what time it is, but I have chosen to make this a priority for myself so that I can use this life to do something good. If lunchtime is better for you, or 2:17 in the afternoon, or just before bed then great! Just set aside the time EVERY DAY, and make it a habit!
– Each entry has a thought, scripture or passage to read, some questions to think about and a simple question or sentence to meditate/ponder on with some space to write down your thoughts. Read the passage and the questions and then take a few minutes for meditation: mindfulness, walking meditation, yoga – whatever form of meditation you like best. If you have never meditated before I recommend getting an app like Headspace, Calm or Simple Habit. They all have free trials that are a good way to get started.
I highly recommend spending a few minutes writing after you have done your meditation. For some, the writing itself can be powerfully meditative. For me, writing allows me to organize my thoughts into something coherent. A lot of insight and personal revelation comes to me through the process of writing my thoughts on paper. However you choose to do your meditation is up to you. I will offer some ideas and suggestions for how to meditate. Choose what works best for you. The idea is for you to make this program your own so you can get the most benefit from it. God speaks to us individually in the way that works best for each of us. This program is designed to help you become familiar with how the Spirit speaks to you. For you, it will not look or feel like it does for me or for anyone else. That is the idea! So make it YOURS.
– Find a place where you feel peaceful. Where you can be still. Your kitchen table, your car, hiding in a closet, sitting in your bed or in the middle of the floor — whatever works for you. Make yourself comfortable. Run some essential oils in a diffuser or light a candle. Sit outside in the sunshine. Find the place that makes you happy and create a space around you that makes you smile. It is much easier to be present and mindful in a place that feels good, so any time you can create that space before you begin the easier it will be — especially at first while you are still learning.
– There are no wrong answers, no stupid thoughts, no criticism or judgment. You are you and God made you and loves you as you are. You do not need to conform to anyone else’s normal to have Him speak to you. As you find yourself you will find God, because you are His. Remember that and do this in the way that is yours.
– Remember to stop and breathe. Set aside the thoughts and worries of the rest of the day. All you have is this moment. Be in it. Sit in it. Feel it. You can get back to all of the rest of that stuff later. This stillness, being in the present moment, will allow you to hear when the Spirit speaks, to feel it in your heart and mind, and to recognize it for what it is. If we do not take the time to listen we cannot hear. As you practice this stillness, pondering, listening, meditating — whatever you want to call it — you will get better at recognizing that voice when it whispers to you at other times in the day as well.