Daily Devotionals

Living Faith

“God blesses us according to our faith. Faith is the source of living with divine purpose and eternal perspective. Faith is a practical principle that inspires diligence. It is a vital, living force manifest in our positive attitude and desire to willingly do everything that God and Jesus Christ ask of us. It takes us to our knees to implore the Lord for guidance and to arise and act with confidence to achieve things consistent with His will.” (Ulisses Soares, “Confide in God Unwaveringly,” General Conference, April 2017).


Faith is not passive. Faith does not only REQUIRE action, it IS action. Often times we think we need to have the faith before we can act. We wait to act, to change, to repent until after some elusive attribute falls upon us. But what if instead of waiting until we have faith to act, we just act! This doesn’t necessarily mean we have to “fake it ’til we make it,” but we take our mustard seed of faith and we act on it — change our attitude, pray more, serve more, and forgive more. I believe that when we do so, when we choose to act, our faith is increased and the blessings come.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Is your faith alive today? How are you acting on your faith? Do you have something you would like to change in your life? What are you waiting for? What is holding you back?

Call to Action: Make a list of 5 things you would like to change in your life right now. For each of those 5 things, make a list of 5 ways you could act on those changes. Pick one and DO IT today!

Mindfulness Tip: If you are feeling distracted today, take a few minutes to make a list of what you are grateful for. This is a great way to boost your mood and get you focused on the present.