Daily Devotionals

What is Faith?

“Faith is a strong conviction about something we believe — a conviction so strong that it moves us to do things that we otherwise might not do. ‘Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see’ (Hebrews 11:1, New International Version 1984).” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf ,“Fourth Floor, Last Door,” General Women’s Conference, October 2016)

It seems to be harder and harder to exercise faith in these times. With the barrage of information coming at us on a day-to-day basis, it is hard to believe something without proof or logical argument to back it up. The things that require faith, often defy logic and the kind of rational explanation that we come to expect. President Uchtdorf goes on to say:

“[This] is often confusing to nonbelievers. They shake their heads and ask, ‘How can anyone be certain of what they cannot see?’ To them, this is evidence of the irrationality of religion.

What they fail to understand is that there are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears.”

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: What does faith mean to you? Have you ever had an experience where your faith has moved you to do things you otherwise might not do? What do you have faith in? Try to remember an experience that taught you faith. How did you “see, feel and hear”?

Call to Action: As you go about your day today, try to see, feel and hear in “other ways.” When faced with something that requires you to exercise faith, pay attention to it. Sit with it. Write down your thoughts and experience.

Mindfulness Tip: Set an alarm on your phone that reminds you to stop and breathe