Daily Devotionals

Finding Treasure

“My brothers and sisters, how precious is the Book of Mormon to you? If you were offered diamonds or rubies or the Book of Mormon, which would you choose? Honestly, which is of greater worth to you?” (Russell M. Nelson, “The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like Without It?” General Conference, October 2017)

I will be honest, as Elder Nelson implores… This question hit me pretty hard. Financial struggles and burdens seem to constantly be at the forefront of my mind. Decisions about where, when and how to spend our money are the root of a lot of disagreements in our house. The stress of a tight month, the fear of an accident that could put my husband out of work for an extended period of time, and just the wants of daily life are wearing. I find myself daydreaming often about what I would do if we won a million dollars, or an unknown rich relative left us a large inheritance. New cars, new furniture, new gadgets and traveling the world are, of course, fun to think about, but just not having to think so much about money in the every day sounds pretty wonderful. I certainly wouldn’t turn it down if someone wanted to give me rubies and diamonds—to wear or to fund my dreams of paying someone else to clean my house every day.

But sitting on the shelves just in the one room of my house where I am writing this I have 2 sets of scriptures, a computer with internet access to the scriptures, a tablet and a phone I carry around in my pocket all with the Book of Mormon—a treasure beyond riches. While I know its value and I am so glad to have it, I know I don’t treat it as the treasure that it truly is. Perhaps, if I turned my attention to the Book of Mormon and away from my dwindling bank account on a more regular basis, I could see things for what they really are. I imagine it would make a difference in the way I approach all things in my life—my spending habits and my long list of “wants” included.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Ask yourself the same questions Elder Nelson asks above, “how precious is the Book of Mormon to you? If you were offered diamonds or rubies or the Book of Mormon, which would you choose? Honestly, which is of greater worth to you?”

Call to Action: Try this with me this week: When financial worries or “wants” come to mind, open your phone and read a verse or two from the Book of Mormon. Bring your thoughts back to the real treasure that you already have and carry with you all day. Does this refocusing and reframing change your attitudes?