Daily Devotionals

Wrestling With God

“And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins.” (Enos 1:2)

The book of Enos is one of my favorite passages of scripture. Enos only had a little bit of room on the plates that he could use to record everything he thought was most important for the spiritual well being of his posterity. I am certain he chose his words very carefully. It makes his brief message carry so much weight. I find it interesting, then, that one of the first things he tells us is that he “wrestled” with God, and then received a remission of his sins.

I think Enos is teaching us that it is ok to wrestle. It is ok to doubt and question and take the time to work things out. The important thing to remember is that we must wrestle WITH God. We have to include Him in the process so that He can teach us through the process and answer our questions. The trouble comes when we try to do it all on our own, relying on earthly resources. They will not lead us to the answers we seek.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Are you including God in your wrestling? If you only had a couple of pages to write the most important spiritual guidance you could for your posterity what would you include?