Daily Devotionals

A Father’s Gifts

“What man is there of you, who, if his son ask bread, will give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (3 Nephi, 14:9-11. See Also Matthew 7)

It’s that time of year. My kids are making Christmas lists and I am scouring the black friday ads trying to make their little dreams come true. I long for the days when my kids had simple requests – like the year all my 3 year old wanted was “a belt with a shiny gold buckle like dads.” Now he wants a ridiculously expensive video game console (sorry buddy, it isn’t happening!). I spend months planning and searching for the gifts I know they will love and that will light up their little faces on Christmas morning, but that are also going to help them and not break the bank. They don’t get everything on their list, but there hasn’t been a Christmas yet where they weren’t happy with their treasures. I know my kids well. I know what they like, what they need and what will make them happy on Christmas morning, and in the year that follows.

Our Heavenly Father knows us. He loves us. He knows what will make us happy now, in the long run, and for the rest of eternity. And He waits with open arms ready to shower those blessings upon us if we will ask Him. He might not give us exactly what we think we want, but what He gives us will make us happy and be better for us in the long run than the thing we think we want, because He knows what is coming up next for us. If we will trust Him, speak to Him and ask Him He will give us “good things.”

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: What’s on your wish list from your Heavenly Father? Have you asked in faith lately?