Daily Devotionals, Light The World

Love Your Enemies

Until Christmas Day, the daily devotionals will follow the church’s “Light The World” campaign. I would love to hear how you and your family are lighting the world each day!

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” (Matthew 5:44)

I recently had a discussion on the Golden Rule with one of my sons. We were talking about how to be a friend, and keep a friend. You see, there is a key difference between “Do unto others as they do unto you,” and “do unto others as you WANT them to do unto you,” and he was getting a little hung up on that subtle yet significant distinction.

When we treat others better than they treat us, when we take the high road and refuse to hold a grudge, we feel better. It is that simple. The commandment for us to forgive others is for OUR benefit. When we refuse to hold on to the negative our lives can be filled with positive. There isn’t room for the light when we are gripping so tightly to even our justified hurt and anger. In turning it over to God and letting our hearts fill with love and kindness we are better and happier people. So if nothing else, forgive selfishly, do good selfishly, bless them selfishly–and reap the rewards.

Meditation/Journaling Prompt:  What are you holding on to today that you could let go of? Who can you pray for. Remember, if it is hard then it means its the right person to pray for!