Daily Devotionals, Light The World


Until Christmas Day, the daily devotionals will follow the church’s “Light The World” campaign. I would love to hear how you and your family are lighting the world each day!

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

When I think treasure, I think pirates. Willing to do anything, travel anywhere, sacrifice anything they can for the chance at a great reward. It is where they put all of their focus and energy.

Today our time is our currency. Where we spend it and what we do with it tells us what we truly treasure most.

What are we seeking? What are we willing to sacrifice for and what are we not? Entertainment? Family? Money? God? What are you treasuring and is it really where you want your heart to be?

Meditation/Journaling Prompt: Where are you putting your time? Does your behavior match with what you really want your treasure to be? If there is a disconnect, how can you reconcile it?