Daily Devotionals

Depression 1

“Quote/Scripture of focus: In striving for some peace and understanding in these difficult matters, it is crucial to remember that we are living—and chose to live—in a fallen world where for divine purposes our pursuit of godliness will be tested and tried again and again. Of greatest assurance in God’s plan is that a Savior was promised, a Redeemer, who through our faith in Him would lift us triumphantly over those tests and trials, even though the cost to do so would be unfathomable for both the Father who sent Him and the Son who came. It is only an appreciation of this divine love that will make our own lesser suffering first bearable, then understandable, and finally redemptive.” (Jeffrey R. Holland, “Like a Broken Vessel,” October, 2013)

I have been reading this talk over and over today, and I can’t settle on just one quote to share, so I will be sharing from this talk every day this week in the hope that it will reach those who need it. Anxiety is nothing new for me. I have lived with and managed mild, moderate and high levels of anxiety all of my adult life. But depression is new for me. I am feeling a great sense of empathy for those who struggle with depression on a regular basis and figuring out ways to claw my way through the muddy tunnel I find myself in. I think one of the hardest parts is that, while I have a strong testimony of the Atonement and a Savior who walks beside me always, I am having a hard time feeling Him through the mud. Trying to recognize that as the depression and not as something I am doing wrong, or feeling doubt and despair that I am being left alone is a daily battle. I know He is there and I know He is on my side, even when I am having a hard time feeling ANYTHING through the fog of depression.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Have you, or anyone you love, experienced depression?