Daily Devotionals

My Soul Delighteth in Plainness

“…Wherefore, I shall speak unto you plainly, according to the plainness of my prophesying. For my soul delighteth in plainness…” (2 Nephi 31:2-3)

Nephi had incredible amounts of knowledge. He had been shown visions, been given greater knowledge and understanding than we can comprehend. He knew some of the great mysteries of God, and yet, he tells us that his “soul delighteth in plainness.” The simple truths of the gospel of Christ were where he placed his focus.

We have a tendency to get lost in the complex. Satan loves to confuse us and lead us down rabbit holes until we can’t even remember where we started. Thinking about the “what ifs” of this life can make us think that the gospel and faithful living is much more complicated than it really is. Really it boils down to the two great commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matthew 22:36) and “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self” (Matthew 22:39).

The mimimalist movement has us throwing out all of our stuff so we can simplify our lives. There is something very peaceful and satisfying in getting rid of clutter and paring down to just the essentials and the things that make us truly happy. Let’s apply that to our minds, to our spirits. Let’s minimize the “shoulds” and the “what ifs” and the millions of issues we worry about every day and just keep it plain and simple. Love Christ. Try to be like Him. Love God. Love One another. Let the rest go.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Is there an issue or a commandment you are having a hard time with right now? How can you apply these 2 great commandments to find a solution?


Mindfulness Tip: A great article on minimalism and mindfulness and how they work together: http://simplelionheartlife.com/minimalism-and-mindfulness/