Daily Devotionals

Woman Power


“Attacks against the Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation.12 We need women who can detect deception in all of its forms. We need women who know how to access the power that God makes available to covenant keepers and who express their beliefs with confidence and charity. We need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother Eve.

My dear sisters, nothing is more crucial to your eternal life than your own conversion. It is converted, covenant-keeping women—women like my dear wife Wendy—whose righteous lives will increasingly stand out in a deteriorating world and who will thus be seen as different and distinct in the happiest of ways.

So today I plead with my sisters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to step forward! Take your rightful and needful place in your home, in your community, and in the kingdom of God—more than you ever have before.”(Russell M. Nelson, “A Plea to My Sisters,” October 2015)

The church gets a lot of criticism for its all-male priesthood, but I have never had any doubt that my place in this church and in the Kingdom of God is just as important and revered. Listening to these great men and the way they speak about women, I know they know it too.

We have a special power as women and it is our responsibility to step into that role. In order to do so we must strengthen our relationship with Christ. We have to carve out the time so that we may have His Spirit and influence with us. Only then will we know His will for us and be able to put our power to work building His kingdom.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: Do you know your strength and power? What are you doing today to build your relationship with Christ?

Daily Devotionals

A Man of God

“I declare my devotion to God our Eternal Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. I know Them, love Them, and pledge to serve Them—and you—with every remaining breath of my life.” (President Russell M Nelson, January 16, 2018)


I felt a powerful spirit as President Nelson spoke these words yesterday. This is a man who is devoted to God and to serving us. I felt the love he has for us – a new level of love as he became steward over us all. I felt the weight of that responsibility and that he has truly dedicated his life to the Lord.

It reminded me of a very special experience I had when I was 19 years old. I left for a study abroad in Paris, France on September 7, 2001. I was young and heading to a foreign land to live alone with a family I could barely communicate with. 4 days later, 9/11 happened and the world changed. Within the week, the church held a special devotional for American members of the church who were living in Paris. It wasn’t a large group. Elder Nelson came to speak to us. I sat in one of the front rows of people to listen to him speak. During one of his pauses while he waited for the translator to finish he looked directly into my eyes, held my gaze, smiled and nodded. I felt an overwhelming feeling of love pouring from him and was hit by a wave of the spirit. I have had very few experiences like that in my life, but at that moment it was abundantly clear that this was a man of God. That He knew Christ and that he was truly an apostle of the Lord. I will never forget it. As I watched him change from apostle to prophet today that testimony rang true. This man is of God. He is a prophet on earth and he will lead us on our path to eternal life with our Father in Heaven.

Daily Devotionals

President Nelson

A wide array of feelings has flashed through my heart since I heard the call that will change my life. The first feeling is that of personal inadequacy. That feeling is intensified as I think of the incomparable power of Elders LeGrand Richards and Mark E. Petersen, whose absence we keenly sense. They were, to me, dear friends as well as esteemed leaders. Then, as I look about and see the strength of those more qualified and able than I, I truly am humbled by this calling.
Fortunately, these feelings are blanketed by feelings of faith, for I know the words of Nephi are true: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Ne. 3:7.) I have implicit faith in the Lord and in His prophets. I have learned not to put question marks but to use exclamation points when calls are issued through inspired channels of priesthood government. (Russell M. Nelson, “Call to the Holy Apostleship, April General Conference 1984).

I am excited to get to know a new prophet. I have a particular affinity for President Nelson as a former stake president in the stake where I grew up. This quote is from his first talk in General Conference just after receiving his call to be an apostle. It is raw, and very personal and I recommend you find it and read it. I love the statement, “I have learned not to put question marks but to use exclamation points when calls are issued.” I certainly can learn from that sentiment as I struggle with getting callings I am not excited about either because I don’t like them or I feel inadequate to do them. This reminder has come to me from many sources lately as I struggle to be happy in callings that I don’t like very much. There is a reason for each and every call, so thank you President Nelson for the encouragement to find the exclamation point.

Meditation and Journaling Prompt: What memories, thoughts or testimonies can you share about our new prophet?